Friday, May 14, 2010

Qualms about my blogs addressed here...

Some issues, for instance, are the blogs on my list are “multisensory” blogs because they are produced by groups of people who have already established themselves as producers of innovative comment. I am a classroom student who has no time or extra effort to put into this blog. I also do not produce original content like these others do. They earn money of their work, I do not. I follow them because they give me something to write about and are something that I don’t strive for, but instead would use to show people to a larger more developed part of gaming culture on the internet.

I have an amateur classroom blog that attempts to provide unique perspective for the people who already have an interest in this sort of stuff. I’m not going for large audience because beyond anyone in this class, my blog will be lucky to have any readers, and should I want to do a real effort, I need practice in preaching to an audience that I am targeting, not trying to cast a larger net over a large population in the hopes of snagging people. This blog is a specialized project used to help me learn how to write about the gaming culture and not try and bring it to other people. I provide outside links not to give annotations or prevent copyright issues, I provide them so if a person is uninformed about whatever I am talking about, they can follow the link and quickly get a summary or read the whole article, and then come back and read my opinion. It’s a style that works in online blogging because a blog doesn’t have to rely on just itself for information. It can be a quick and convenient center of relevant issues that a person would then comment on themselves, while also educating someone about it, which a link to an outside source would provide the education on.

I do not understand why I should take a gaming blog and then not write about gaming. Why should I expand my topics outside of gaming? I do not get how a “variety of entries” would apply here when I try and talk as much as possible about what I hear for myself. Finally, for a multisensory blog, none of the projects we do in class even remotely apply to my blog, and not for lack of trying. Advertisements and poetry do not fit, and unless I suddenly start working in a studio, I can’t produce my own stuff to work with. I do link outside videos when I can, so that’s as multisensory as I can get at this point, but don’t expect me to be able to strive to the same level as other blogs. I will continue in the format that I am doing and will try to refine it and be more consistent with amount of topics I talk about, but that’s the most I can do at this point.

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Achievement Hunter Weekly Update #13 (Week of May 24th, 2010)